Health Information Technology Overview:
The diffusion of Health Information Technology remains a major thrust of American health policy. President George W. Bush has called for widespread adoption of electronic medical records (EMRs) within the next ten years. In addition to digitizing the information that providers use to care for their patients within organizations; clinicians, patients, and policymakers are looking ahead to securely sharing appropriate information electronically among organizations. The combination of this past year's activities has proved to be a catalyst in advancing the development of industry standards for interoperability, enabling the flow of clinical and administrative data among key stakeholders, and demonstrating its importance for encouraging health care IT investment and facilitating health care reform. The Federal government, Congress, a number of states, and private sector leaders at the national, state and regional levels have responded with the introduction of a myriad of policies and strategies designed to improve the quality, safety and efficiency of healthcare through information technology.
This year, the Summit, co-hosted by the eHealth Initiative and Bridges to Excellence, will include an in-depth look at rapidly emerging policy changes related to both quality and HIT, touching on financial, clinical quality, organizational, legal, technical, and privacy-related issues.
Learning Objectives
Regarding Health Information Technology:
- To explain policy changes in the Federal government programs, including those emerging from AHRQ, CMS, ONC, and OPM, that will accelerate the adoption of HIT to address healthcare quality, safety and efficiency goals;
- To provide an overview of policy goals and strategies in legislation introduced by the House and the Senate, and prospects and expectations of action during the remainder of 2006 and into 2007;
- To provide an in-depth overview of the issues raised by the acquisition and implementation of electronic health records systems;
- To analyze financial incentive and pay for performance programs emerging in many parts of the U.S. which are sponsored by purchasers, business coalitions, health plans, and Medicare;
- To share provider, health plan, purchaser, and public sector payer strategies for improving quality and efficiency in healthcare through HIT;
- To describe and assess recent initiatives in the creation and dispersion of personal health records (PHRs)
HIPAA Overview:
Healthcare privacy and data security remain one of the major policy and operations issues in American healthcare. Current health information technology initiatives raise new and complex healthcare privacy and security issues. HIPAA Compliance is not only complex, but also extremely costly as healthcare moves to electronic data interchange and the Internet and beyond to a variety of new health information technology initiatives. The HIPAA Summit conference series provides a road map to understanding the complex requirements of federal and state law and illuminates strategies for compliance. The Summit will provide the most up-to-date and sophisticated information on the status and construction of the HIPAA regulations through the presentations of the leading HIPAA regulators from the Department of Health and Human Services. The Summit will focus on crucial issues of the implementation of transactions, code sets and identifiers and the security rule, and will feature practical case studies from the field, including presentations by leading privacy, security and compliance officers from around the country. The Summit will address the complex financial, operational and technical issues that must be addressed not only to comply with the technical requirements of the law, but also to integrate new technologies in order to enhance the efficiency, quality and accessibility of healthcare services.
Learning Objectives
Regarding HIPAA:
- To provide a basic background to the HIPAA law and regulations
- To assess current compliance with HIPAA transactions, code sets and identifiers, and future initiatives necessary to enhance compliance
- To present an analysis of the current HIPAA security rule challenges and responsive compliance strategies
- To set forth advanced strategies for implementation of the national provider identifier
- To outline the next generation of HIPAA privacy compliance strategies
- To describe prominent multi-institutional and/or regional approaches to HIPAA compliance
- To share case studies of organizational approaches to HIPAA compliance
- To assess the applicability of HIPAA to electronic health records (EHRs) and health information technology (HIT)